
The SPRacingF3 gives you all the features you need for the heart of your aircraft, whether you're into FPV racing, acrobatic flying or aerial photography it's perfect.
Supports a variety of aircraft, tricopters, quadcopters, hexacopters, octocopters, planes and more.

Flight Performance

The SPRacingF3 builds on tried and tested software, processor and sensor technology to make your aircraft fly like it's on rails.

No-Compromise I/O

Use all the features all the time; e.g. Connect your OSD + SmartPort + SBus + GPS + LED Strip + Battery Monitoring + Sonar + 8 motors - all at the same time!


The SPRacingF3 runs Cleanflight which can be configured to suit your needs using a cross-platform GUI (Windows/OSX/Linux).

Tiny and lightweight

The SPRacingF3 has a standard 36x36mm form-factor with 30.5mm mounting holes and weighs just 6 grams.

Flight Logging

On-board high-capacity black box flight log recorder - optimize your tuning and see the results of your setup without guesswork.

Next-Generation CPU

The SPRacingF3 has an ARM Cortex-M4 72Mhz CPU with Math co-processor (FPU) for efficient flight calculations that gets more done in less time.
Loop times up to ~2x as fast as previous-generation STM32F1 based boards.

Developer Friendly

Developer friendly debugging port (SWD) and boot mode selection, unbrickable bootloader.

OneShot ESC

Full support for OneShot ESCs for easy PID tuning and a sharper response.

Broad RC receiver Support

Supports SBus, CrossFire, Spektrum1024/2048, XBus/IBus, SumH, SumD, FPort, PPM, PWM receivers & more. No external inverters required (built-in).

Programmable LEDs

Dedicated output for multi-colored LED strips - great for FPV racing, line-of-sight flying orientation and night flying.

Battery Monitoring

Battery monitoring ports for voltage and current.


Sonar support for precision low-altitude hold.

I2C Port

I2C port always powered, perfect for external sensors or always-on OLED Screen.


Buzzer port for audible warnings and notifications.

SPRacing F3 Top and bottom

The SPRacingF3 Design is:

  • Practical - Easy to access connectors and solder pads.
  • Configurable - Choose to use connectors, solder pads or pins.
  • Stackable - Mount to your PDB or OSD.
  • Compact - Only 36x36mm.
  • Professional - Symmetrical, Neat and Tidy.


Screenshots and photos of the project and related sites and tools.

Some photos are from hand-soldered pre-production boards. Production boards are of a much higher quality.

SPRacingF3 PCB - Top

SPRacingF3 PCB - Top

SPRacingF3 PCB - Bottom

SPRacingF3 PCB - Bottom

SPRacingF3 PCB - Left

SPRacingF3 PCB - Left

SPRacingF3 PCB - Right

SPRacingF3 PCB - Right

SPRacingF3 PCB - Front

SPRacingF3 PCB - Front

Cleanflight Configurator

Cleanflight Configurator

Cleanflight Configurator

Cleanflight Configurator

Cleanflight Configurator

Cleanflight Configurator

Cleanflight Configurator

Cleanflight Configurator

Cleanflight Configurator

Cleanflight Configurator

Github Watchers

Github - Watchers

Github Watchers

Github - Pulse

Blackbox Flight Logging

Blackbox Flight Logging

RC Groups Forum

RC Groups Forum

#Cleanflight IRC Channel

IRC Channel - #Cleanflight on Freenode

MultiWii Forum

MultiWii Forum

Eclipse Development Environment

Eclipse Development Environment


Technical Specifications

The hardware was designed by the lead developer of Cleanflight to be more capable than the previous-generation STM32F1-based boards after hearing feedback from the Cleanflight users, contributors and top-pilots.

  • 36x36mm board with 30.5mm mounting holes
  • Weight ~6 grams
  • STM32F303 CPU, 72Mhz inc FPU
  • High-Capacity Flash (Acro and Deluxe)
  • MPU6050 accelerometer/gyro
  • MS5611 barometer (Deluxe only)
  • HMC5883 compass (Deluxe only)
  • MicroUSB socket
  • 2x 8pin JST-SH sockets (PPM, PWM, SERIAL RX, GPIO, ADC, 3V, 5V, GND)
  • 8x 3pin though-holes for pin headers for ESC/Servo connections
  • 2x 4pin though-holes for pin headers for 2x serial ports
  • 1x 2pin though-holes for pin headers for battery voltage
  • 1x 2pin though-holes for pin headers for buzzer
  • 1x 4pin JST-SH socket for I2C
  • 1x 4pin JST-SH socket for SWD debugging

Dedicated PWM outputs


PWM Inputs


I/O Connections


Mhz Clock Speed


Hardware Serial Ports


Mb Flash Storage


The latest SPRacingF3 PDF manual can be downloaded here.

Quadcopters and Frames


The SPRacingF3 runs the open-source Cleanflight flight control (FC) software which has an ever-growing community of friendly developers and users. Being open-source means that you too can contribute to the system.

Cleanflight comes with a detailed manual that is reviewed and maintained by the Cleanflight developers and community. No more out-of-date wiki pages and second-hand information.


Don't just take our word for it, listen to these excited users!

“Ok now I'm too excited to sleep!”

FinalGlideAus - YouTube

“It is a really great Flight Controller, thanks for the work. It feels really locked in.”

Charpu - YouTube

“crashed into a dog turd - Otherwise excellent, The board performs incredibly well flying!”

ATA250 - #Cleanflight

“Cleanflight is the hip new firmware these days.”

TheNickDude - YouTube

“hydra + the channel helped me out to get it right”

Petfrogg - #Cleanflight

“New FC with a burning passion and a funny feeling inside”

Teslahed - #Cleanflight

“Yeah, it flew great when i took off”

acceleroto - #Cleanflight

“It flies much better outdoors than in the garage”

viper522 - #Cleanflight

“Ohhhh yeahhhh”

Richard Dagenais - Facebook

“This is awesome stuff”

Trent Jones - Facebook

“yeah i was really impressed”

Ben250 - #Cleanflight

Software Features

The SPRacingF3 runs Cleanflight and is configured using the Cleanflight Configurator. It has a stack of great features, such as these:

  • 3 primary flight modes: Acrobatic, Angle and Horizon
  • Extensive control and switch configuration
  • Telemetry Support (HoTT, FrSky, SmartPort, etc)
  • Battery Monitoring and Warnings
  • Signal Strength Monitoring (RSSI)
  • Failsafe system
  • Altitude Hold Mode (Requires Barometer Sensor)
  • Heading Hold Mode (Requires Compass Sensor)
  • In-flight tuning
  • Customizable LED colors
  • Android phone support (via EZ-GUI GCS)

“Cleanflight is clearly the best FC software; And what a great community”

Ben250, #Cleanflight - 2015/5/1 14:09GMT


  • Without Compass and Barometer Sensors
Buy now
  • Additional Compass and Baro Sensors
Buy now

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