The SPRacingTBEC is the only Race Transponder to feature a built-in 5V regulator!
The built-in 5V 1 AMP regulator means you don't need a seperate 5V regulator. Plenty of power for your FC, RX, LEDs, etc.
Works at distances up to 5m, even outdoors in sunlight. Use more track-side receivers to further increase sensitivity.
Two LEDs allows you to position for greater intensity or for clockwise and anti-clockwise tracks.
Works with the most popular transponder receiver system currently in-use worldwide today.
Uses a high-speed transmission to eliminate interference.
Longer codes, compared to other systems, means you won't have issues with duplicate codes.
Mount using 30.5mm mount holes and stack above your FC. Or remove the tabs, heat-shrink it and use velcro to mount as appropriate.
Power using 2S-5S Lipo OR power from existing 5V supply, you choose.
Flexible design allows racing club owners to fit them with standard 3 pin cable for use on race days.
As you fly around the track the transponder continually transmits your unique code via IR. As your aircraft passes the start/finish timing gate the track-side receiver records your lap-time.
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Retailer EnquiryNote: Direct customers should use the form on the shop or contact their retailer for support.